deKay's Lofi Gaming

Viewtiful Joe 2

Reel 5 – Ice Edge. Look, even the names of the levels are like real actual films. How clever. And, it’s the obligatory platform game ice level. Snowballs and avalanches abound. On one bit of the level, you have to roll a snowball around to make it bigger, and then use it to block an air vent to pass by. There’s a cable car section too, and then, the BEST THING EVAAR – an Ice Climbers bit. It even has …

Super Mario Maker (Wii U)

I got Super Mario Maker for Christmas, and soon set about creating some utterly fantastic levels with it. Sadly, they were all lost in the New Year’s Eve Mario Level Fire, so you’ll have to make do with the other creations instead. I’ve some listed in this blog post over here. Mostly, though, I’ve been playing other peoples’ levels, which is frankly the only other thing you can do with the game. There’s no “story mode” or anything, so it’s …